Built-in Types

See also

To learn how to create custom types, see the Extending Teleport section.

A Teleport type is created by providing two things:

  1. A set of all JSON values that can be the type’s members

  2. A way to interpret a JSON value according to the type

In implementing types, this roughly corresponds to a type-checking function and a deserialization function, although the latter is optional. This library implements all 10 built-in Teleport types, as well as a few extra ones.


Uses instances of int and long in both the JSON form and the native form.

>>> t("Integer").check(1)
>>> t("Integer").check(1L)


Uses instances of int, long, float and Decimal in both the JSON form and the native form.

>>> t("Decimal").check(0)
>>> t("Decimal").check(922337203685477580700000L)
>>> t("Decimal").check(1.0e2)
>>> t("Decimal").check(Decimal('0.99'))

By default, the json module maps non-integer JSON numbers to floats. If precision is important for you, you’ll be happy to know that Python’s built-in Decimal class can be plugged into the json module:

>>> import decimal
>>> json.loads('{"price": 0.99}', parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
{u'price': Decimal('0.99')}

See also

To read more the relevant design choices, see On Numeric Types.


Uses instances of unicode and ASCII strings of type str in both the JSON form and the native form.

>>> t("String").check(u"hello world")
>>> t("String").check("hello world")
>>> t("String").check("hello" + chr(225))


Uses instances of boolean in both the JSON form and the native form.

>>> t("Boolean").check(True)


The RFC 3339 (proposed) standard is used to represent datetime objects in JSON form. In the native form, instances of datetime from the Python standard library are used.

>>> t("DateTime").check('2013-10-18T01:58:24.904349Z')
>>> a = t("DateTime").from_json('2013-10-18T01:58:24.904349Z')
>>> a
datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 18, 1, 58, 24, 904349, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> t("DateTime").to_json(a)

While RFC 3339 provides a convention for specifying time at an unknown location, Teleport does not support it, defaulting instead to UTC.

Creating Timestamps

It may be tempting for new Python programmers to use datetime.now() or datetime.utcnow(), but neither of these are suitable for creating proper timestamps. The latter option comes close, but fails to include a piece of data signifying that the time is in UTC.

Omitting timezones from the standard library was a wise decision, but not including a UTC object is a puzzling one. Sadly, there is no Python one-liner for creating a UTC timestamp. Similarly to pytz, Teleport provides a convenient import for this purpose:

>>> from teleport import utc
>>> datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 6, 9, 28, 55, 908619, tzinfo=<UTC>)

Note that another tempting option, datetime.now(utc), is also incorrect.

See also

On DateTime Standards discusses the choice of RFC 3309 over ISO 8601. On Timezones and Offsets discusses timezone issues.


A wildcard that consists of all JSON values, that is, all values accepted by the json module from the Python standard library.

>>> t("JSON").check([None, 1, "xyz"])


This is a very special type. Its value space is the set of all possible inputs for t(), all possible type definitions. The Schema type enables dynamic typing, tagged unions and other high-level possibilities.

>>> t("Schema").check("Integer")


Array is a generic type whose parameter is a type definition. This parameter specifies the type of every element in the array. Uses instances of list in both the JSON form and the native form.

>>> t({"Array": "Integer"}).check([1, 2, 3])
>>> t({"Array": "Integer"}).check([1, 2, 3.0])


Similar to the Array type, but using JSON objects in the JSON form and instances of dict in the native form.

>>> t({"Map": "Decimal"}).check({"x": 0.12, "y": 0.87})
>>> t({"Map": "Integer"}).check({"a": 1, "b": True})


The Struct type uses instances of dict for both the JSON and native form. It is a generic type and its parameter is a JSON object with two members: required and optional. Both are of type t({"Map": "Schema"}):

>>> TODO = t({"Struct": {
...            "required": {"task": "String"},
...            "optional": {"priority": "Integer",
...                         "deadline": "DateTime"}}})

With this type instance, you can validate JSON objects like these:

>>> TODO.check({"task": "Return videotapes"})
>>> TODO.check({"task": "Return videotapes",
...                "deadline": "2015-04-05T14:30"})

Of course, you cannot omit a required field and each field’s schema must be respected:

>>> TODO.check({})
>>> TODO.check({"task": 1})

Like Array and Map, Struct performs recursive serialization:

>>> TODO.from_json({"task": "Return videotapes",
...                 "deadline": "2015-04-05T14:30"})
{u'deadline': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 5, 14, 30),
 u'task': u'Return videotapes'}